New Mobility Feature…free to members!

Aug 12, 2021

 by Beth Roberts

Exciting update for members and punchcard holders! 
We have activated the mobility feature! This feature includes a self-serve library of short videos to help you with flexibility and mobility! The videos are categorized in a list by body part. For example, if you have tight hamstrings and would like a short routine to follow to improve your alignment and flexibility you will click on the hamstring link and choose one of the videos. Check it out! The list is very comprehensive and the videos are professional and beneficial! 
from your mobile app: scroll down and click on the mobility link. 

To find it on your website go to your account area and click on the Mobility link in the top right corner. (Pictured below)

if you have questions please reach out. Also, if you are interested in scheduling a mobility assessment I will be booking those beginning the week of August 23. 